Making changes to your skin on a limited budget

Want to make changes to your skin but on a limited budget?
Here are our suggestions on how to get the most from your budget. Not all the following treatments will be appropriate to you, which is why we always offer a Skin Consultation prior to any treatment to ensure you are spending your £ the best way for you.
When you look at your face, what bothers you the most?
Have an honest think about what bothers you most about your face. Is it lines? Pigmentation? or thread veins & broken capillaries? Or is it your skin texture? Maybe you have open pores or acne scars? Once you’ve decided that, you’ll know where to start. Here are some of our suggestions.
Scarring or fine lines and wrinkles? – Try microneedling
If you want quicker results PureDerma – radiofrequency-microneedling – will get you there but it comes with a slightly higher price point (£900 for the course of 3). But, basic microneedling – Skinpen – is a brilliant treatment in its own right and miles more affordable. It stimulates collagen production in the skin so that over time, your skin becomes smoother, stronger, and better hydrated, with improved elasticity. Pores will look smaller, scars will look softer and it may even shift a bit of pigmentation, too.
Ideally, you’d have 3-4 sessions depending on your budget, but even one session will stimulate your skin for the better.
Pigmentation and skin texture – skin peels
Our Skin peels are gentle and range from light & superficial to medium depth. Think of them as a deep exfoliation. You could start with an Environ Cool Peel (£75/ treatment) – watch out for the new TCA peel coming soon – or straight into the AlumierMD range of peels (£125/treatment) which treat your skin with various types of acids –both brands will leave your skin glowing.
Calming and rejuvenating stressed/menopausal/acne skin/ or for any skin concern – LED light therapy
Medical-grade LED light therapy is one of our favourite treatments because all you have to do is lie down under the canopy and relax while the light goes to work! We use the clinical-grade device Dermalux Triwave. The benefits are cumulative (i.e. the more you do, the better the results you’ll see) Try a full Dermalux facial (£75/treatment) or a 20min session is just £30 a time so is a very cost effective way to spend your budget.
Sagging jowls and loose skin – Venus Radiofrequency + EMS (workout facial) technology
If it’s loose skin on your face, or your body, then Radiofrequency is a great option. As we age our & elastin collagen deplete, leaving less bounce and firmness to our skin. Venus Freeze plus (contrary to it sounding cold!) uses heat to stimulate new and build on existing collagen. 1 session/week is required for 8-10 sessions.
For a fabulous instant result try our Lift and Sculpt facial which combines EMS (a technology to stimulate the muscles) with the Venus RF– 2 technologies to leave an instant lift. Perfect for a special occasion!
And.. don’t forget our LOYALTY PROGRAMME. Each time you spend earn FREE products and treatments up to the value of £125*
*terms & conditions apply